German Abroad 5.

KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt/LMU München
Sebastian Kürschner and Claudia Maria Riehl

Extraterritorial varieties of German worldwide

Researchers from four continents and eighteen countries met at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU) and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) to discuss the peculiarities of German varieties around the world and their speaker communities. In addition to typical questions of variation and sociolinguistics as well as language contact and multilingualism research, the main focus was on the comparability of language systems and language constellations across regions. Special emphasis was placed on promoting young researchers in this growing field of research. The conference week began with a pre-conference workshop in Eichstätt, which gave young researchers the opportunity to gain an overview of the peer group’s worldwide research projects and at the same time to address fundamental questions about working with language data. (Several international participants were sponsored for this purpose.) Various projects in the South American region were also able to coordinate at a meeting of the MinGLA network.

More detailed information on the conference can be found on the conference website .

Invited speakers

Joachim Steffen (Augsburg): Kontaktinduzierte Grammatikalisierung und Konvergenz im Sprachkontakt zwischen Deutsch und Portugiesisch in Südbrasilien

Sheenah Shaw (Dortmund): Kroondal German: A sixth-generation South African German variety

Elisabeth Knipf-Komlósi (Budapest): Spracheinstellungen und Sprachbewusstheit bei Minderheitensprecherinnen und -sprechern des Deutschen in Ungarn

Silvia Dal Negro (Bozen): Societal multilingualism in Northern Italy and the role of German varieties


  • Sebastian Kürschner (Chair of German Linguistics, KU)
  • Claudia Maria Riehl (Institut for German as a Foreign Language, LMU)
  • David Hünlich
  • Michael Prestele
  • Johanna Holzer
  • Kerstin Dierolf
  • Andrea Eberle
  • Thomas Fritz
  • Freshta Azami, Magdalena Enzinger, Miloš Koch , Asude Kölün, René Peters, Chiara Rastelli, Isabella Rigler, Saida Rustambekova Robin Stamenkov, Magdalena Wank